DIY / Home Improvement

How To Protect Your Property During Winter

The winter season can be very tough on a house, whether it’s a new building or a very old structure. Extreme weather conditions in the winter months can severely damage your house. Winter winds are among the strongest of the year, while a roof full of snow can damage your tiles and gutters, which can lead to unexpected damage, costs, and hassle for you and your tenants. 

When you are a landlord, your property is essential your income and if that properly isn’t protected, then neither is your monthly wage. Fortunately, even in the biggest snowstorm, there are simple ways to prevent property damage.

Follow these useful seasonal maintenance tips to prepare landlords and tenants for winter and protect your property from storm damage, strong winds, snow and ice. 

Tips for Protecting Your Property 

Pipes and Water Ways

If a pipe bursts or leaks during your absence, it can cause significant damage. Consider shutting off the water supply completely if you are not going to be around for a long time. If your home is heated with an older boiler system, contact your heating contractor to determine if the water supply for your particular heating system can be safely shut off.

Also, if your home is protected by a sprinkler system, make sure you don’t turn off the water to that system. Before winter begins and at least once in winter, it’s a good idea to check your roof tiles. Ice can damage the tiles and cause expensive and extensive damage from tower leaks. Be sure to protect pipes in unheated areas such as attics, basements, under floors, and in outbuildings.

Keep the Gutters Open

Clogged gutters prevent melting ice and snow from draining properly. This can lead to ice jams. An ice ridge forms on the roof edge, which prevents melting snow from flowing off the roof. Subsequent cleaning of the gutters is often one of the most important things to be tackled in the winter months.

It is very important that the gutters remain unclogged o allow the melting ice flow. Clear your garden from objects that could damage when exposed to harsh weather conditions or block the free flow of melting ice/snow.

Keep the Heat In

Invest in a roof covering to keep the heat in the room and protect it from harsh weather conditions. Block off all areas where cold air can enter the building, especially if there are pipes nearby. On cold days, open the roof cabinet doors so that the heat can circulate upwards. Keep all interiors above 12 ° C to avoid freezing the pipes.

The cabinet doors under the sinks should remain open during a heavy freeze to allow the heat to circulate around the pipes. Properly insulate unfinished areas such as basements and garages where pipes can be exposed. Provide information about heating, e.g. a timer a few times a day so that the pipes do not freeze. 

Ice, snow, wind and other weather-related elements can have a devastating effect on your home. Pipes and water systems are the most susceptible to winter damage, so be especially focused on them. It is important that you keep your home warm too.

Have Comprehensive Insurance

When asked for tips about being a landlord, one of the things that almost all landlords recommend is to get good insurance. This is key in the winter more than ever as, yes, during the year there is the potential for damages that need t be addressed. However, in Winter the weather can be extreme be and unpredictable and this is wen you are likely to see the most external and structural damage to any properties that you rent out/

So, it is a good idea to always ensure that you are well protected from these damages and that you can claim your policy to cover any damages quickly and efficiently so that isn’t coming out of you own pocket.